Sunday, January 23, 2011

Good things happening in Boise!

For the most part as a Real Estate professional, you try to write about things related to selling homes and property. This is your life blood and your way of living in the current times.

But you must stop and go back to what is really going to make the difference in our businesses and life styles. We can promote our City and State for everything that we hold dear to our hearts, but, when there is little change and economic problems that prevent a forward thinking attitude it makes words hard to place into action as we write.

Believing that many of a city’s problems begin with politics is probably a just beating a dead horse. But good news is coming from the city of Boise lately. It started with the changes in the planning and zoning board which paved the way for the beginning of the new Simplot facility in downtown and continued with the approval of the Whole Foods store plans.

With the encouraging new of the Micron expansion in the past week we are on the right track. Today the statesman published an article on the 30th street development plans for growth and recreation. I have to say kudos to the City of Boise for realizing the importance of not doing business as usual. This will make my job more exciting to promote a positive outlook for businesses moving to our great city.

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