Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Cost of doing business

You go to the local gas station now days and it is a matter of watching the attendant outside on a daily basis to raise the numbers as prices climb higher than can be remembered.

What do you do if it is your job to travel around and view properties and give your clients the best look at the homes that may be just what they are looking for? If a Realtor or Agent has made it this far with the recession, then it probably means that you have already figured out the key to survive the market conditions. It may be a little leaner but streamlining is the goal to make it now days.

Planning is the top priority; setting up scheduling for the home tours takes on a new and improved way to do business. First off, let your clients know that you are not going to show any properties that are not in their wish list. This saves the energy and will not lead to any foggy thinking. Get your smart phone maps or GPS units ready and use the shortest travel functions. Plan these trips well ahead of time and make use of your time and miles traveled.

In closing this week, we know that it only takes a hint of unrest for the price per barrel of oil to go up. Don’t contribute to the foreign oil dynasties and save yourself money and sanity.

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