New reports out today show that appraisals are still
dragging on the recovering Housing market.
As I have said before we need to revamp the appraisal system and have
all involved with the appraisal system working on the same page.
Here are the main points that the Association of Realtors makes
as to why the appraisals still don’t work properly:
- Appraisers using foreclosures, short sales, and run-down properties as comparable homes, and not making adjustments for market conditions or the condition of the property.
- Appraised values that do not reflect market conditions such as rising prices, multiple bids, and low inventory.
- Inconsistent and fluctuating valuations.
- Out-of-town appraisers who are not familiar with the area or local market conditions.
- Slow turnaround time by both appraisers and banks.
If you would like to read the entire National Association of
Realtor’s article go to this link.

How can the process work in unison with the other players? Get
the organizations together and develop guidelines and timelines. If this is worked out it will create a system
of organization and progress that everyone needs to get our clients the best
service and products.
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