Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pumping up the pain!

Listening to the local news you would believe that the upcoming election has something to do with the gas prices being the highest in four years! Well, prices have always been political games that play into the miserable economy.

Every president since and including Ronald Regan have tried to appease the motoring public by assigning the Attorney General to investigate the high prices of gasoline.  Fact of the matter is that no leader of the free world, Republican or Democrat has the power to change gas prices. 
Our prices in Boise Idaho seem to be some of the lowest in the country right now, however, it is reported that they will take a fall even further in the next month. You ask how they know.  The oil companies have now got a small glut of oil and they need to get it off the books.  They use the motoring public as the pawns.  This is always the time of year prices come down and as soon as the extra oil is used up the prices will go back up oh say about Thanksgiving and Christmas. 
The fact of the matter is that the oil companies have complete control over the prices and they are waiting for the next reason to stick it to the little guy.  Enjoy low prices when you can for they will soon eat more of your wallet space!

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