Thursday, July 21, 2011

Lack of Class and Dignity!

Our new political climate is showing through with both sides showing us the high school posturing and muscle flexing that I thought was gone.  Watching the TV tabloids in the morning shows what a complete lack of respect they have for the American People.

It used to be that you would look up to the congress and senate, now it is the source of bickering and back stabbing along with calling names.  Our nation is all in shock as we watch the idiotic ways that the people we elected handle a crisis. 
The bad news is that these men and women have damaged our society to a point that it isn’t going to take genius to bring us back up; they have destroyed our ability to comprehend the real problems facing us in this crisis. The good news is all we have is the bottom of the barrel representation, with nowhere to go but up!

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