Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Realtor or Psychologist?

Being a realtor brings about all kinds of jobs that you must complete on a daily basis in order to get to the end point: a Closing! If you work as a buyer’s agent or a Sellers agent the most important proficiency that you must master is the art of communication.

How often do you communicate with the clients is the difference between putting out fires and having a smooth and great experience during the process of a real estate transaction. This is the type of stuff you learn in Realtor school right? Wrong, the ability to communicate comes from the agents own life lessons. Knowing how to keep a transaction alive in today’s strange market place is an art.

You are the mouth piece for your client’s interests and ultimate well being. Sometimes all it takes to keep the process flowing is your ability to be a cheerleader...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your Psychological Cheer leading skills are exemplary and many thanks to you for all you do!!!~ Josi