When you are driving by a home that has a sign in the front
yard, if it is for sale this usually means the house is for sale right? Not all signs are alike, some are from, yes
real estate brokers, and these are usually homes for sale. Then there are the signs that building
remodelers use to advertise their work currently being done on the house.

that have a telephone number to call for information on the property. These are different systems the Brokers use to connect with buyers and sellers via your cell phone. Most of the Realtors that want to sell homes will place their cell number on the sign, or have their office numbers go to an on duty agent.
Finally what is with the flyers in the box, it is never
full. Most Brokers will keep the
informational flyers available for the first week of the listing. When that period is done they will use only
the telephone system of contact. Flyers
are taken out of the box for various reasons but are only useful for a short
time. There you have it. Sign, Sign Everywhere a sign.
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