Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It all Depends on Location, Right?

Most of my clients and property inquiries have for the most part decided what areas they are interested in living.  They come with their shopping list of homes that they have driven by and decided that they would like to pursue further investigation.
Some know the areas and the prices and others are hoping to make their budget work for the neighborhood that has sparked their interest.  When showing buyers the homes they have chosen, it sometimes becomes very apparent from the start that pricing may make them take a second look at the listings they have place great importance.
Here is where it makes the value of a Realtor abundantly apparent.  Sitting down with your Realtor from the start will save you time and heart ache.  Relocation buyers are different from the home grown folks that have an idea of what purchases in certain areas make on the ol pocket book. 
If you work with a real estate professional that has grown up in the area you will better know the values of the areas.  What affects the bottom line?
Here are some of my thoughts that the buyers must take into account above and beyond the scope of what they want their monthly payment to address.
Ø  Was the home a rental? If it was an investment property the taxes are going to reflect a cost and increase of the monthly mortgage for is some cases up to a year until the owner exemption kicks takes effect.

Ø  What taxing districts do you have?

Ø  If you are in a historic district you will have to adhere to the districts restrictions. 

Ø  The age of the home may require new fixes that need to be addressed on sale.

Ø  Some of the higher priced homes may not have a lot of square footage, these needs to be taken into consideration if you have a family. 

Ø  Cars and parking may have rules as to the number that can be parked.
Probably half of the clients that come to me decide on a different location than where they began their search.  This takes time to decide this point and communication is very important so they get the full use of your time to show the correct location for their family and pocket book.

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