Friday, October 29, 2010

Marketing for winter

So you plan to place your home on the market during the winter months? What are some of the pros and cons to doing this? First of all, I am not against listing homes during the non warm months. I have had some very busy times from October to March.

If you have pictures that you have taken over the past year of your yard and landscaping, these will work fine if they are of good quality and clarity. Remember that pictures sell your home before the information that you place in the listing gets attention.

If you live in Idaho, your sprinkler system has been blown out and if the home is vacant the entire house has been winterized if the power and water are shut off, (that is another factor we won’t talk about right now). When preparing your flyers and listing for the Web, use a mix of winter and summer photos. Make sure you have shoe removal areas when folks come to view. Have the temperature set to a comfortable level.

Many homeowners will keep their home off of the market during the winter months due to the holidays and winter conditions. The thinking is that not many buyers are looking during this time. So grab the market and get it listed, there is always someone looking to buy...

Photo of the Day - Idaho City Masonic Temple as taken by me!

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