Saturday, July 17, 2010

Burning up the lawns

You are driving though the neighborhood and looking at the beautiful greenery and carefully manicured lawns and flowers then bang a brown lawn with weeds. It just tells you that this is an abandoned property.

Why is it that the property has no power, water or gas? Well it is either a short sale in progress or the bank owns the home. Now the first choice a short sale the owners still have control of the property. It is a shame but they are cutting their losses. The second is the bank or REO owned. They could increase the value of the property by merely keeping the water on and saving the lawn. Some would say it is a waste of money and water, but when me as a realtor is out showing property the first thing the buyers figure in their head is bringing down the price in order to put in a new lawn. My personal opinion is the bank should keep the water on and make the property a better value.

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